ツバメノート B5ノート B罫 6ミリ 35行 W100S細 W3012 (10セット) 昭和22年の発売以来変わらず愛されている日本が誇る高級クラシックノートです。国内外を問わず支持され、著名人の愛用者が多いことでも有名です。 ツバメ中性紙フールス使用 サイズ:B5判 内容:100枚、200頁、6mm×3 It is the high quality classical music notebook which Japan which is loved without changing since release of 1947 is proud of. It is supported regardless of inside and outside the country and it is famous even that there are many users of the celebrity.
Use of swallow neutral paper fools Size: B5 size Contents: 100 pieces page 200 6mm *3
It is the high quality classical music notebook which Japan which is loved without changing since release of 1947 is proud of. It is supported regardless of inside and outside the country and it is famous even that there are many users of the celebrity.
Use of swallow neutral paper fools
Size: B5 size
Contents: 100 pieces page 200 6mm *3